Sunday, May 10, 2015

Adventures of "normal" life . . .

Yeah, how's that possible? I guess maybe if you think your life is boring you should do something about it!

Whether that means adding character to the eggs that are just sitting on the counter with nothing better to do or having a random water fight Friday afternoon or sitting down and playing a good ole game of Memory. All of which have happened here lately amidst the more boring, less exciting "normal" of life.

I  think I found a new hobby
(also fun: injecting food coloring into eggs!)
I realized my latest posts haven't really been all that informative about life in general here. . . . we'll try to fix that now.

helping each other figure out their language worksheet
The last few weeks actually feel sort of like a blur. There's been lots of studying, there will continue to be studying. There's been company, there will be more company. There have been hospital visits. Hopefully there will be no more of those!
It seems having a new toy like a trampoline just begs to be tested to the limits! So far no one seems to have suffered anything extremely permanent except for Elmer who is still hobbling around after putting his knee out of socket last week. I think it was last week anyway, honestly I'm not even sure anymore! :( Becky has also been in out of of the hospital with gall bladder problems. This Tuesday, Lord willing, she will be going in to have it removed. (Which reminds me, about a month ago I wrote that Miguel was having his surgery, I should have said, " . . .was planning to have a surgery." The government hospitals down here are unpredictable at best, so although he was been scheduled at least two different times he has yet to actually have the surgery. However, he seems to be alive and kicking so I guess we'll take that as a blessing.)

And amidst the normal of everyday school life every now and then cool unexpected things happen. Like Silvia learning the alphabet by memory! or Eduardo freaking out about his "girl-colored" notebook, or Paola actually being the one with a smile on her face or  Beatriz actually catching on that an hour is actually longer than a minute. Or some random police stopping by to canvas the neighborhood and actually stopping and taking time to mess around and talk with the kids. It was actually really cool. I was quite amazed at how open and friendly they were. Letting the kids play with their badges and letting them handcuff each other. The kids LOVED it, to say the least. Joel was determined that he was going to leave with them!
all so curious . . . .

Román for some reason or other was very not sure about the police!
Joel not having any mercy on poor Jairo
the future face of the El Salvadoran police force!
Carlos, finally having to admit that he needed help to get out of the handcuffs
This week we're looking forward to finally being able to finish off the last 14 weeks of studying with our first spelling competition. The kids always get all worked up about it but usually end up doing really well. 

until next time . . . .

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