Monday, April 13, 2015

New arrivals. . .

So if you remember about 4 weeks ago, I wrote a “fairy-tale” about a prince that would be joining our class.

Today,4 weeks later, we were finally blessed with his presence.

He seems to have been held up by a curse, which had him imprisoned for a few weeks before he was able to slay a horribly evil dragon, the sidekick of an equally evil witch  and free himself.

Ok . . . so he had appendicitis and was in the hospital for three days. And then was at home during vacation. But the other story sounds cooler! J
So yes, Eduardo finally joined us today.

It made for quite an interesting Monday as this poor nun nearly lost her religion trying to keep everybody straight and occupied and actually doing something worthwhile! But now that we’ve survived one day the others should all flow super smoothly, right?!

Also, we would have hated for our new prince to feel out of place with being the only male in the classroom so I decided to get a fellow companion for his misery.
Meet Diego:

 Quite the little charmer he is. Also a champion feed-dumper, water-splasher and general mess-maker. He seems to be a city bird, since he seems to prefer packaged food and has turned up his nose at mangoes and apples, try with bananas next time.

In other news, Miguel had a surgery today. Something with his intestines, not exactly sure what all is involved but I think the general idea is that pooping should now be easier for him. Sorry, that’s just a rather literal English translation for the sign language explanation that I got.
I haven’t heard anything about how it went, but I’m sure he could use prayers. I just don’t like the thought of my little kids in the hospital. They’re supposed to be here, running around and being annoying, not being operated on. But, knowing Miguel he’ll be up and running around before you can turn around.
Just in case you forgot which one is Miguel. J

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