Thursday, April 2, 2015

Nicaraguan Adventures

So when a trip starts like this . . .

You have to wonder how it is gonna go!
Monday afternoon of last week found us all in the kitchen, in the various stages of making bread, cake & cookies for the trip. As well as iced coffee to keep us going while working in the kitchen.

Then 3:30 the next morning found us loading up the van for a supposedly 12 hour trip. Seventeen hours later found us pulling up in Waslala, Nicaragua, very happy to have arrived and not even caring that we had to sleep on the floor in a room full of 40 women. Well, not caring too much anyhow!!!
Here’s a short pictorial overview.
The CICS group who went. L-R Paty, Lidia, Mary, me, VerĂ³nica, Samuel, Elmer
Beautiful mountains of Honduras in the background, beautiful except when driving through them for 4 hours!

Stopping for lunch . . . I guess the Nicaraguan border officials thought we looked travel weary and so decided to give us a chance to take a 2 ½ hr break. Or else they just liked our company so much they couldn’t bear to have us leave them.

We took advantage of the break to have a picnic at the border.  Probably a once in a lifetime experience!!
                                             Not even a little bit bored!!!
Entertaining the border officials and fellow travelers with games like Rats and Old Maid. The one border official was wanting to learn how to play Old Maid!

It was with many tears we passed under this sign, leaving behind all our many friends and comrades among the officials at the Nicaraguan border. OR NOT!

And so after another 8 hours of driving, part of that on some very not so desirable dirt roads, we were able to get started with the real reason for the trip.

Teacher’s Meetings.

Teachers from Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador all came to be encouraged and to share ideas. And we were not disappointed.

Although neither were we sad when the two days of seminars ended and we were told we were going for an excursion.

We hiked about and hour into the Nicaraguan mountains. Got to see some beautiful jungle birds, hear howler monkeys, and finally arrived at a beautiful waterfall.
Nature at it’s most beautiful. Untouched by man, undeveloped, just clear, cold water and mossy rocks.
Which of course begged to be climbed and explored!

Nothing quite like drenching yourself in sweat only to be able to stick your head under a waterfall and cool yourself off

                                              Over the river and UP the hill!
                                           A sloth that we got to see up close and personal.

And then we headed out of the mountains, left the beautiful rice fields of Nicaragua behind us and 18 hrs later, after a friendly chat with some Nicaraguan police,  an overheating van and ridiculously long lines at border crossings we made it back home again, Safe and Sound!! Never have I been so happy to see our bumpy dirt road . . . . .


  1. Thanks for the picture journey. Wonder if you saw any Schwartzes at the teachers' meeting? My brother Paul or any of his family from Honduras? Does a sloth move faster on ground than in a tree? Best wishes and continued prayers.

    1. I did get to meet some of the girls from Honduras, but I didn't get any last names. :( I'm sure some of them would at least know Paul and his family.
      I would actually say sloths move faster in the trees than on the ground, at least this one did! Thanks for the prayers . . .
