Monday, September 21, 2015

A new angel . . .

So this post is over-due by a few days . . . Why? You might ask. Well, it was kinda a thing that I didn't want to over-react. Which is really dumb, looking back. You can't over-react about a new Christian! And then I said, "Well, we want to be sure this is for real. I'd hate to make a big deal about it and then end up having her get sent home next week. That would look real authentic."

See, Silvia gave her heart to Jesus last week. And just like every other situation that I have gone through with this girl, I ended up learning more about myself and where I need help. 

Let me start at the beginning.

Last Monday night Silvia had a little blow-up. (I believe it was refusing to shower, seriously, who doesn't want to shower after sweating all day?! but anyhow, that was the fight she chose that night) Becky basically told her that she's not even gonna try and fight her, if Silvia wants to make the decision to leave CICS, then it is in her hands. Basically, "you are on your last thread here and if you make the decision to continue acting up, the doors to CICS will be closed to you." Obviously that got Silvia thinking and the next morning Silvia came and of her own volition asked forgiveness from both Paty and me for things she had done the day before. I took the opportunity to talk to her a bit to make sure she knew where we stood. I told her that I could see that Silvia had not been happy the last few days, and I could see that God was touching her heart, that He wanted to come in, but it would have to be Silvia's choice. We talked for quite a while, and Silvia told me, with tears in her eyes that, "Yes, she was ready to stop fighting against God, and let Him into her heart." I very nearly broke down right there. I wrapped her up in a hug and I got one of the most amazing hugs from Silvia in response. No extra squeezing, no chin digging into my shoulder, no rubbing my back . . . All the things she normally does to try to distance herself while giving a hug. This time, she just layed her head on my shoulder and let me hold her. Three years of chin-digging hugs were totally worth for that one! 

However, I told her that I was not the only one who had been praying for her and that I wanted VerĂ³nica and Becky to be with us when she prayed. As luck would have it, Becky had left for the day and didn't get back till about 6:30 that evening. I got her up to speed on what had happened, but by that time Silvia wa in bed and we decided it would be better to wait until we had plenty of time to talk with her and make sure she understood what she was doing. 

So Wednesday evening after church Silvia, Becky, VerĂ³nica and I headed out to my classroom. Becky explained very clearly to Silvia, using the whiteboard, the two forces that were fighting for control of her heart. Silvia was able to very clearly explain what she was feeling in her heart and which side she wanted to choose. I don't think there was a dry eye among us as Silvia prayed and asked forgiveness for the lies and rebellion that she had had and invited Jesus into her heart. I still get shivers thinking about it. And my one prayer leading up to this was that God would let me feel if it was real. And He definitely showed me, through numerous small things, that yes, this was real. 

So now I have a little angel in my classroom! Or Not! This is the part where my lesson comes in. God has had to remind me countless times over the last few days of the bajillion times I have failed Him and continue to mess up and the innumerable times I have had to learn the same lesson. And I expect Silvia to get rid of 14 years of anger and rebellion taken care of in a few days!?! Seriously, Mel!

I think my biggest fight in this is how Satan tempts me to think that it was not real. That Silvia only did it because she knew that's what we wanted, because she thought it would give her a free ride to an easy life. And to that I can only cry with the father of the demonic boy in Mark 9:24, "Lord, I believe, help thou mine unbelief!"

Please continue to pray for Silvia, that looking to Jesus instead of obeying her flesh would become easier every day. Pray for the intervention of the Holy Spirit when the language barrier seems to big to describe things like sanctification and being born again and putting to death the old man. 


  1. Oh, Melody!! This is way too exciting!!! Thank you, Jesus!!!!

  2. What happy news!!!! Blessings as you continue working with her and mentoring her!
