Saturday, June 20, 2015

Upcoming adventures!!

So there is about 20 dozen things I should be doing right now, before sitting down to update. But when the maintenance man wakes you up at 6 on a Saturday morning, well, I just decided to take advantage of the extra hour rather than try to keep on sleeping. So consider yourselves lucky that there is a water leak somewhere in the wall back in the guys dorm, and that Nata chose today to get it fixed. Because if I wouldn't have gotten woken up early this post probably wouldn't be happening. 
I was recently told that I started out good on my blog, nice frequent posts and all, but it seems to have kinda petered out.

Well, yes, sadly that is kinda what happens for me when life gets busy.  It's not like life here isn't interesting. Far from it! Put 8 people, who like to call themselves adults, but who all have a very childish tendency to be a little bit loco at times, in a house and make them live together 24/7. Then give them 12 kids to teach and be responsible for! Yes, we like to keep life interesting. 

And then God gives us special gifts. Paola is one of my students that I have been watching very closely this year. It was clear to me there was a major struggle going on inside her tender heart. I knew God was talking to her, but like someone else I know quite well, she was sure she could do this on her own. And she kept trying. And my heart kept hurting for her. But Tuesday, the minute she arrived at school she told me she wanted to talk to me. And she confessed that she had not been honest with me. And she told me that she wants to pray and ask Jesus to "clean her heart." (Sometimes sign language just says it so much better.) So we prayed together. And I cried. And she looked at me funny, because she was smiling. And I felt so humbled. What do I know about discipling a child? Because the first step that Paola took is important and we are always emotional when a child takes that step, but what happens afterward is the whole story. The Decision is only the step out the front door to begin a journey that will last a lifetime. Pray for Paola, she has no one in her life, besides us here at school, who will help her or who will even appreciate the decision she made. Pray for me. I need wisdom! 

So if you read my last post you saw a little bit of what's been keeping me busy. And the reason for the deadline!?! Forget if I mentioned that or not. . . That would only be a visit to the states to see my newest nephew! Oh, and the rest of my family too! :) and to get my cousin married to the guy she says has claimed her heart, and hopefully a chance to catch up with a few other dear peeps who I have been apart from for too long. And that is all super awesome and all. But even cooler ( if you are one of the persons who I will see, please don't get mad. You would say the same thing!) is I get to check another country off my checklist on the way home. 

A 16 hr layover is not normally not something to get excited about, but when the layover is in Panama City and you have never been to Panama, much less the capital city, then yes, it is a reason to get a little excited. Yup! How cool is that! Cheapest ticket includes a chance to visit a new country, it's like getting paid to travel! And yes, part of the excitement is because I get to do it all by myself. Taxi from the airport, find a hotel, (just kidding mom, I have one reserved!) I know, all old hat to some people, but I've never done it, so I'm just gonna go ahead and be excited about it!

So here's to another stamp in the passport, another ventire out of my comfort zone,  another chance to try new things, another adventure!

Starting in about 3 hours, maybe now I should get started on my to-do list for the morning. 

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